Galia Shaham
Bachelor Student
I'm a third year B.s.c student studying Biology, Psychology and neuroscience.
I decided to join Dr. Ben Maoz's lab because of my interest in biomedical engineering and love of neuroscience. In addition the lab is very innovative, which encourages initiative and creativity.
I am currently working on developing a model for traumatic brain injury with Ofir Vardi. The model will have the ability to select the desired degree of traumatic impact without external artificial interference.
Methods of operation are 3D printing, filming with a high-speed camera to measure the intensity of the injury, implanting neurons in the model and analyzing their morphological changes following injury.
I would like to pursue a master's degree in neuroscience. Throughout my time in the lab I came to know and love research in neuroscience. I was exposed to useful tools and creative methods to explore and understand the field better.
I extremely enjoy illustration and drawing, exercise and travel.
In addition, I hope to continue to teach. Currently I teach a weekly course, “Introduction to Medicine” to a class of 34 people from welfare families, and I love it!